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Leave a Legacy

Join the Everest Legacy Circle

How will you be remembered? Adding a gift to charity in your will or retirement plan is one of the wisest and kindest things you can do at any age – and it could be the most meaningful donation you ever make. 

Making the American Himalayan Foundation part of your legacy will create lasting change far into the future and ensure you are remembered as a champion for people in need who have no one else.

If you do not have a will, there are good and free tools to help you set one up. Then you'll have the peace of mind that your loved ones are protected and your wishes, whatever they are, are clear and will be upheld.

If you would like more information about the Everest Legacy Circle or want to let us know about a gift you plan to make, please contact Norbu Tenzing at (415) 288-7252 or [email protected]