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Our Team

AHF works with local NGOs and community groups to bring real change directly to the people in the Himalaya most in need. We know the territory and where to intervene to create the greatest impact for the least cost—and everything we undertake has local buy-in. AHF’s headquarters are in San Francisco with a Nepal Country Office (NCO).

San Francisco Office

Nepal Country Office

Board of Directors

  • Jon Krakauer

    AHF Chairman
    At Large
    Author and Climber

  • Bernard Osher

    AHF Vice Chairman
    San Francisco, CA
    Private Investor

  • Michael Klein

    Washington, DC
    Founder & Chairman CoStar Group, Gun Violence Archive

  • Louis F. Reichardt, PhD

    AHF Treasurer
    San Francisco, CA
    Professor Emeritus, UCSF

  • Conrad Anker

    Bozeman, MT

  • Heidi Blum

    Skier, Designer, Entrepreneur 

  • Ambassador Peter W. Bodde

    Baltimore, MD
    Retired Ambassador

  • David Bonderman

    Ft. Worth, TX
    Chairman, TPG

  • Christopher Hest

    AHF Secretary
    Nonprofit Executive

  • Peter Hillary

    Auckland, New Zealand
    Author, Climber

  • Eileen Mariano

    San Francisco, CA
    Policy Advisor

  • George E. McCown

    Menlo Park, CA
    Managing Director, American Infrastructure MLP Fund

  • Bruce McCubbrey

    San Francisco, CA
    Patent Lawyer

  • Ambassador Nancy Powell

    Lewes, DE
    Retired Career Ambassador

Emeritus Directors

  • Hon. Julia Chang Bloch

    Washington, DC
    Former U.S. Ambassador to Nepal

  • James Whittaker

    Port Townsend, WA