Happy Mother’s Day! Gratitude to all of you!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms, grandmas, aunties, big sisters, and anyone else stepping up to the role! We hope you are able to celebrate today with someone you love – even a phone call or video chat. Thank you for holding up at least half the sky! Meet some of AHF’s treasured momo-las (‘grandmas’)
Good news! AHF has been awarded a grant from the USAID American Schools and Hospitals Abroad Initiative for HRDC to equip their new OR and patient ward with modernized and state of the art medical equipment. Below is the full press release.
4.5 Million Meals Delivered
Walking through the cold winter winds, I began to realize how harsh and difficult life is in Mustang. This was the first time I was in Mustang in the winter, I had only seen it during the nice summer months. People looked wearier, maybe it was because of the sand and dust on their skin or the burden of the pandemic or both.
Losar Tashi Delek!
Happy Losar, year of the of the Metal Ox, to you and your loved ones. Losar, the new year based on a lunar calendar, is celebrated for two weeks by Sherpas, Lobas, and Tibetans in the Himalaya.
Just a heartwarming dog story
Four young women started a small nonprofit to help take care of street dogs in Kathmandu. Every day they boil up pots of chicken and rice and head out in the afternoon. The dogs know what’s coming and patiently wait their turn.
The Hospital on the Hill
“You see these children transform when they come here. When they get some love, when they get their dignity and hope back, they start smiling again. That is what inspires all of us.”
Tashi Delek! Thank you for joining us!
Tashi Delek! Thank you so much for joining us for our first virtual Infamous Annual Dinner, Nourishing the Soul & Staying Connected in 2020. There was a little technical glitch in the beginning, so if you missed anything, you can watch it at your convenience here.
Maya – changing her fate
While talking with STOP Girl Trafficking students in a classroom, the SGT team noticed a little girl in a tattered uniform listening from outside. They spoke to her afterwards and learned her name was Maya...
Gita – loss, struggle, and hope
When Gita was only two years old, her father was accused of stealing from a neighbor and sent to jail. Gita’s mother swears that he was innocent, but that does little to help her struggling family. To lighten her mother’s burden, Gita was sent to live with an aunt and uncle who had HIV...
Aruna from the field
I was just on a field visit in the Far West. People now are more worried about food and work and less about Corona. I understand their point. There is a lot of suffering. We met many people, students, their parents, and school teachers, and everyone is sad.